Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wayne Boucher: Blue Pools

Wayne Boucher: Blue Pools

Gallery Page and Strange, Halifax, Nova Scotia

September 2 to 23rd, 2011

Opening Reception: September 2nd from 6PM to 8PM

Rising Sun : The Morning After. Japan rescue attempt number one from the golden platform with large Yellow Crane. 2011, 36” x 36”, oil on canvas.

Azimuth 123 degrees on 12/21/2012, 2011, 24” x 30”, oil on canvas

Azmuth, 2011, 10” x 12”, oil on canvas

French Basin Trail, 2011, 10” x 12”, oil on canvas

Going to Marrakesh, 2011, 36" x 36", oil on canvas

Cold Blue Light (Joel Plaskett), 2011, 36” x 48”, oil on canvas

Tiger, Tiger burning bright, In the forests of the night. (William Blake the Tiger), 2011, 48” x 48”, oil on canvas

Blue Angel descending into the depths of light. 2011, 48” x 48”, oil on canvas

Youth Transcending Time. 2011, 48”x 48”, oil on canvas

Blue Pool with Red, 2011, 48" x 36", oil on canvas (not in exhibition)

Pool of Lost Dreams, 2011, 54” x 36”, oil on canvas (not in exhibition/P&Sinventory)

Stolen Moments, 2011, 48” x 48”, oil on canvas

Finding Mark Twain, 2011, 48” x 48”,. oil on canvas

In what distance deeps or skie. Burnt the fire of thine eye (William Blake, The Tiger), 2011, 36” x 24”, .oil on canvas

Footsteps on Black Water. (Don Domanski, All our Wonders Unavenged), 2011, 30” x 24”, oil on canvas

Fractels, 2011, 30” x 30”, oil on canvas (not in exhibition/P&Sinventory)

The Name That Floats on Black Water. ( Julia McCarthy, Return from Erebus), 2011, 36” x 36”, oil on canvas